Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Thankful for Our Buddies

Today we had the opportunity to spend time with our third grade buddies! 
First, students colored a turkey and placed it on a chart to show their favorite Thanksgiving Day food! 
Then, the third graders read a Thanksgiving Day book to the kindergartners! 
Finally, everyone shared out one thing they are thankful for!
Happy Thanksgiving

Monday, November 21, 2016

Celebrating our Veterans

Forgot to post: November 11th - Veterans Day Celebration

Read and Munch

Thank you to our wonderful moms for coming in to read to us for our first Read and Munch! I loved walking around the room and listening to the parents questions students, make connections and explore the books as an interactive read aloud!

Bread, Bread, Bread

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This lesson was an opportunity for students to explore bread from other parts of the world. We talked about where the bread originated from and then got to taste it! Some bread we loved, some bread... not so much!

Children Around the World
Learning Targets
(Retrieved from Parkway's OCG)
  1. I can tell you about the needs of all children. This means I can… 
    • say what all children need to be safe and healthy. 
    • give examples of how my needs are met. 
    • use pictures and stories to understand how children around the world live. 
    • give examples of how children from around the world have their needs met. 
  2. I can recognize how cultures are alike and different. This means I can… 
    • explain how my life is the same as life for children around the world. 
    • explain how my life is different from the lives of children around the world.

11/15/16 Two students turned 6!

Happy Birthday Audrey 

Happy Birthday Jershaun

Friday, November 4, 2016

Sharing with our Buddies

Today our buddies shared their nonfiction writing piece that they created using Chromebooks! After listening to their very detailed and interesting nonfiction pieces, the Horses shared their Leadership Binders! Such a fun morning sharing success with one another!