Friday, January 27, 2017

100th Day of School

The 100th Day of School was full of fun!

PJ lost a tooth!

 Julia turned 6

We made fruit loop necklaces with 100 pieces of cereal! 

Sharing our 100th Day of School Hats!

 Parade Around the School Sharing our creative hats!

What a great 100th Day of School!

Friday, January 20, 2017

Compliment Party/ Show and Tell

The Horses are Keeping the Tooth Fairy Busy!

Science: Pushes and Pulls

New science unit means new learning and lots of experiments!

Puffing Power: Does a big force make things move faster?
Students used straws and a ping-pong ball to investigate force. What they learned was that when you use a small force or blow lightly, the  ball moves slowly. When you use a big force, or blow hard, the ball moves faster! Students also began learning about friction during this experiment as they began to discover that the surface in which they placed the ball made it either easier or harder for the ball to move! 

Movement Painting: How can you control the direction of the ball?
Students learned that they use force to move objects. Sometimes they need a big force and sometimes they need to apply a little amount of force in order for an object to move in the direction they want!