This week in reading we focused on what Reader's Workshop looks like and sounds like. Students learned that during Reader's Workshop, students should be at their seats, with a book out and should be reading the whole time! Students also learned that Reader's Workshop is a quiet time for enjoying stories!
Students also practiced taking care of a book. Students worked to make sure books are all facing the same direction and are right side up! During the week we also talked about the importance of not eating or drinking while we are enjoying a book!
This week students began Writer's Workshop. We started with what Writer's Workshop looks like and sounds like. Students learned that they should be in their seats, writing the whole time, and should be working independently. As we began Writer's Workshop, students had the chance to begin writing books; drawing pictures and even adding words :) Many of the lessons taught this week encouraged students to be problem solvers and to use think time before starting to draw on their paper! We have some great writers!