Monday, August 29, 2016

Mark Your Calendars

Important Dates Throughout the Year
Apple Day
September 23
Field Trip - Pumpkin Patch
October 21
Read and Munch
November 18th
April 21st
Polar Express
December 21st 
Parent Reading Night 
January 19th 
Mother’s Day Tea
May 12th
Field Trip and Learning Celebration  
May 19th 

Friday, August 26, 2016

How To Be a Friend

Students in this class are struggling with tattling. Students are wanting to get their friends "in trouble," for all the little things. Today students listened to a story called, Don't Squeal Unless it's a BIG DEAL. The story is about students (piglets) in a class who are tattling on their friends for things like someone hogging the swings, or using the colored pencil that they want. The teacher is about to lose her mind! She explains to her class that they should only "squeal" if it is a big deal. Big deals, or teacher problems, are if someone is being dangerous or in harm. Examples of this would be someone running with scissors, someone putting their hands on someone else or someone ruining something that does not belong to them. All other problems are considered kid size problems, problems that kids can handle on their own!

Students can handle a kid size problem by stating to their peers;
"It bugs me when you _________, I wish that you would stop." If this doesn't work, the problem is now an adult size problem and that is when I step in!

We will continue to revisit this idea though class meetings. I want students to understand that when they tattle, they could be losing a friend.

A visit from our Counselor

This week, students met our new school counselor, Mr. Steward. He shared with students that he is here to listen to everything and anything someone might want to share. He is here for the happy times and the sad. After talking with students about his role at school, he read a book to students about how to handle situations when we might get mad or upset.

Reading and Writing in August

This week in reading we focused on what Reader's Workshop looks like and sounds like. Students learned that during Reader's Workshop, students should be at their seats, with a book out and should be reading the whole time! Students also learned that Reader's Workshop is a quiet time for enjoying stories!

Students also practiced taking care of a book. Students worked to make sure books are all facing the same direction and are right side up! During the week we also talked about the importance of not eating or drinking while we are enjoying a book!

This week students began Writer's Workshop. We started with what Writer's Workshop looks like and sounds like. Students learned that they should be in their seats, writing the whole time, and should be working independently. As we began Writer's Workshop, students had the chance to begin writing books; drawing pictures and even adding words :) Many of the lessons taught this week encouraged students to be problem solvers and to use think time before starting to draw on their paper! We have some great writers!

Habit 2 - Begin with the End in Mind: HAVE A PLAN

Habit 2 is all about setting goals and having a plan for how such goals will be accomplished. 
A very important part of  Habit 2 
is to think about what I want to be when I grow up and how I will get there.

Students listened to one of my favorite read aloud, When I Grow Up by Al Yankovic. In this, a little boy shares with his class all the amazing things he wants to be when he grows up!  After the story, I shared with students my passions and dreams and what led me to become a teacher! Each child then had the same opportunity! Everyone has a goal that I know they can reach :)


This week we began our first Science Unit: Seasons and Weather! We focused on summer. As scientist, we talked about what types of weather we observe in the summer, what types of clothing we wear, what types of activities we can do during the summer, and we observed a tree! Throughout the year, students will participate in the same activities that surround each season.
 As scientist, they will talk about and draw clothing and weather that corresponds with each changing season inside their science notebooks!

Happy Birthday P.J.

P.J. turned six on 8/23! 

Friday, August 19, 2016

Art inside the Classroom

Students created Noodle Names! Each child used noodles and placed them over the letters in their name! Their names are hanging in the classroom and will until the end of the year :)

Being Different :)

All My Stripes is a great book that brings up the idea that having different stripes makes us who we are! After the read aloud, students created their own stripes that describe them and shared their zebras with the class! Each child did an amazing job with this activity! We leaned that we all have different stripes however, some of our stripes are the same :)

Meeting Our Third Grade Buddies

On Monday we got to meet our third grade buddies in Mrs. Jones' class! For our first buddy activity, the third graders taught us the difference between trash, compost, and recycling in the cafeteria! We brought our snack down with us to the cafeteria and once we were finished, we received help to make sure our waste went into the right bin! Since this activity, clean up during lunch has been much better! Students are really understanding where their waste goes!
They are becoming great  CAN DO KIDS :)

A Visit From Mrs. Deckleman

On Wednesday, Mrs. Deckleman came into our room to meet the class! She allowed everyone to share about themselves and she shared about her family! She explained to the kids that her door is always open and that she is always available when a friend is in need! After getting to know one another, she read I Wanna Iguana by Karen Kaufman.

Fun in Math

This week during math, students worked on recognizing and making the numerals 0-10. Students used play dough, dry erase boards, and shaving cream to create each numeral. They had a great time! Everyone tried their best and had fun; two very important rules inside my classroom :)