Friday, August 12, 2016



A look at our first week of school
The Kissing Hand
Saying goodbye to our family can be hard during the first few days of school. In order to help kids understand that it is not always easy for moms and dads to say goodbye, I read The Kissing Hand by Audrey Penn. After reading the book, each child made their own Chester puppet and received a kiss (a heart sticker) letting them know that someone is out there thinking of them and wishing just as bad to be back together! The book is a great read aloud to help students understand the importance of being at school to learn, play, grow, and have fun! The book always helps the little one's to feel better about being at school and away from the ones they love. 

Getting to Know Our Class
For this activity, students sat in a circle and played a community building game called, Getting to Know You. One at a time students tossed a ball to a classmate and had to ask that peer two questions, "What is your name?" and "What is your favorite color?" Many students have the same favorite color! This game allowed students to practice sharing in front of the class and gave them a chance to get to know their peers as well as make connections!

Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See?
Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See? by Eric Carle is always a kindergarten classic! After reading the book, students completed an activity sheet where they had to color the animals on their paper the same color as they were in the book! Another activity that goes with this great book was making a class book called Kindergartner, Kindergartner, What Do You See? The book has a page for each child with their name and picture. The book is placed inside our classroom library for students to look at during free time and/or reading! The book is a great tool for students to use to get familiar with their classmates! This class book along with others will be out during curriculum night! 

Exploring Centers
At the end of the day, students have centers! During this time they are working on social skills such as sharing and communicating with their peers. This week students explored math tubs, blocks, and puppets. Each day a new center will be opened. By the end of August all centers will be open which include: math, kitchen, library, tablets, writing, blocks, puppets, and science! 

Expectations in Kindergarten
As we are getting familiar with kindergarten, it is always important to know and understand classroom expectations to ensure that all students are safe, responsible, and respectful! After reading Kevin Knows the Rules by Molly Dowd, students began making connections with the boy in the story and his classroom rules to their own classroom expectations! After the read aloud, a few students modeled for the class the expectations that help keep us safe so we can learn and have fun! While they were in P.E., I printed out pictures and created a class promise. Each student signed the promise to ensure that together we will do what is right! Within the next few weeks as we begin learning about the 7 Habits of Happy Kids, we will create a class mission which will help reinforce classroom expectations! 

Compliment Jar
Today I started using the class compliment jar! When students are out and about, they can earn compliments from other teachers for making great choice such as walking quietly through the hall or sitting quietly during a bathroom break! The class already earned 6/10 compliments! Once the jar is filled we will have a compliment party! Parties can be anything from wearing pajamas to school to watching a movie! I am so proud of these little ones! They are doing a FANTASTIC JOB!

Upcoming Dates

* 8/16 Picture Day
* 8/23 Curriculum Night @ 6:30 in the gym
* 8/26 Popsicle's @ Sugar Creek Park @ 4:15

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