Friday, October 21, 2016

This is My Country

To start our unit, students were exposed to symbols that they often see in their community. We talked about what symbols are. 
We then went on a walk around the school to locate more symbols and then went back to the room to discuss their meaning. 

Learning Targets for This is My Country
  1. I can show how people in the past have been leaders for our country. This means I can… 
    • state what I think makes a good leader and give a reason why. 
    • use a picture or story about long ago to see an example of a leader. 
    • tell how people in the past kept trying even when things got hard. 
    • use the examples of others to grow as a leader. 
  2. I can recite and say what the Pledge of Allegiance means. This means I can… 
    • say the Pledge of Allegiance with my classroom community. 
    • tell what some of the words in the Pledge mean. (i.e., republic, nation, liberty, or justice) 
    • see an example of one of the words in my classroom community. 
  3. I can say how the United States flag is a symbol of our country. This means I can… 
    • show others the United States flag. 
    • say why the flag looks the way that it does. 
    • see an example of other symbols in my classroom or school
(Information retrieved from Parkway's OCG)

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